Performance EvaluationPerformance Management


By March 12, 2021 No Comments

Most of the organizations have an overall plan for business to succeed. The plan is the employee performance evaluation process, it includes goal setting, performance measurement, regular performance feedback, self-evaluation, employee recognition, and documentation of employee, in order to ensure success.

This process is done with understanding and helps employees with their jobs and how they contribute effectively to the organization.

In the following, we will share how a company can set up this process effectively:

Goals of Employee Performance Evaluation

These are the three goals of an effective employee evaluation process.

  • Motivation: Your goal is to motivate employees to produce a high level of quality in their work.
  • Employee development and organizational improvement: The employee performance evaluation helps employees accomplish both personal development and organizational goals. Employee performance evaluation provides legal, ethical, and visible evidence that employees were actively involved in understanding the requirements of their jobs and their performance.
  • Protection for both the employee and the employer: The employee performance evaluation provides evidence of non-discriminatory promotion, pay, and recognition processes. This is an important consideration in training managers to perform consistent, regular, non-discriminatory employee performance evaluations.

Huge number of organization have been focusing on employee evaluation programme. However, many organizations and employees fall short of their goals. They work through goal setting, creating SMART goal but not everyone knows how to set SMARTER goals. Here, we will share with you how to make your SMART goals SMARTER

Here are the takeaways on how to utilize SMART to establish goals:

  • Specific Goals : The first part of SMARTER goal setting is the S, which conveys that an organization has to be specific with their goals
  • Measurable Goals : The M defines the need for goals to be measurable.Measurable and specific often go together, although not always.
  • Attainable Goals : It is good to stretch and set challenging goals. Chances are employees would be able to do beyond their capabilities
  • Relevant Goals : The goals should also be relevant to the project an organisation is working on. It is acceptable to have a few goals for varying projects, but majority of goals should primarily focus on the main project that has to be accomplished based on the nearest timeline.
  • Timely Goals : It is crucial to establish a deadline for all goals or they may never be achieved. Goals are commonly encouraged to be established for a shorter period of time to sustain higher achievability. But that is not it, SMART has two additional steps to it to make your goals SMARTER!

Making Your Goals SMARTER

Evaluate Goals: As an organisation work on the smart goals, it is good to evaluate whether or not they are working on achieving their goals. Evidently, when the deadline for the goal is exhausted (Time), the organization has to figure out if the employees have achieved the target. Organizations could conduct monthly evaluation to assess the business needs and review on factors that could aid with achieving the established goals.

Re-Evaluate Goals: When an organization makes an adjustment to their employees’ tasks and goals, this does not provide assurance that it would resolve any underlying problems or boost success. As a matter of fact, the adjustments could worsen the situation. It is crucial to re-evaluate goals occasionally to ensure the success of an organization by weighing the pros and cons, and significance of making any adjustments in the tasks or goals. Re-evaluating goals is a good practice as time changes, and what works today, may not work tomorrow.

At Alchemy we provide performance management consultancy to help our clients drive performance. Contact us to find out how we may work together to improve your company’s performance.

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